EXCITING new research is leveraging the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionise care for older Australians.

Recent statistics highlight a significant trend: a substantial portion of Australians aged over 65 seek urgent medical attention, with up to 41% of them visiting Emergency Departments (ED). Alarmingly, nearly half of these cases result in hospital admissions, exposing older people to heightened health risks and adverse outcomes. However, research suggests that a considerable number of these visits could be prevented.

With these statistics in mind, the Sydney Health Partnership for Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE), a Research Translation Centre whose focus is to transform healthcare, has funded an AI project which aims to revolutionise care for older people by detecting those people at risk of hospitalisation at an early stage.

AI algorithms that can predict ED visits and ED return visits in the general population, as well as in age and disease-specific groups exist, and it is these algorithms that the new research will harness to make a significant difference in the healthcare of older people. 

Using AI algorithms, the project identifies older people who can receive effective care within the community, thereby diverting unnecessary ED visits and hospital admissions.

“The overarching goal of this research is to enable older people to maintain independence, functionality, and diminish disability and deterioration by delivering the right care in the right place at the right time,” explains the project leader, NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University Associate Professor, Genevieve Steiner-Lim.

“Recognising that the Emergency Department may not always be the most suitable setting, the project employs AI to develop an algorithm that identifies older people at risk of preventable ED presentations who can be effectively cared for within the community. The outcomes will inform early intervention approaches, fostering empowerment and integration within community and primary care.”

Crucial to the success of this project is the robust collaboration across universities and local health districts. The cross-disciplinary team from SPHERE’s Age and Ageing Clinical Theme comprises experts from Western Sydney University, University of NSW, Southwestern Sydney Local Health District, South Western Sydney Primary Health Network, South East Sydney Local Health District, HammondCare, Carers NSW, and Ambulance NSW.

The multidisciplinary team comprises experts from various fields, including neuroscience, data science, software development, health economics, and clinical care. By integrating diverse perspectives and expertise, the project aims to create a comprehensive framework for improving elderly care.

SPHERE Executive Director, Professor Chris White explains that the implications of this project extend far beyond healthcare delivery.

“It represents a shift in how we approach ageing and healthcare management in our communities. Through early intervention and promoting integration within primary care settings, the initiative holds the promise of enhancing the quality of life for elderly residents,” he explained.

By Linda Music. Linda is communications Officer at SPHERE (Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise) and a former schoolteacher. As a media professional she has worked for CareFlight, Good Health Magazine and Centre for Oncology, among others.