saive™is an Australian owned and developed AI platform that enables consumers to shop the entire energy market that services their property. It’s now available and will enable genuine bill relief for electricity and gas users.

Homes and small businesses have already been using the saive™ platform and have realised average savings of 29% for electricity ($657) and19% for gas ($422).

The process is simple. Customers upload their bill onto the saive™ platform, where it takes the sophisticated AI technology less than 20 seconds to shop the entire market. Put simply, it will shop every retailer’s public offer available to a dwelling or small business and rank the best offers to their current deal. It forces the energy retailers to play in a near perfect market, so the most efficient and fair deals are easily found.

Not only does saive™ provide alternative electricity and gas deals with real cash savings, but as a feature of the platform, customers also can choose to automatically monitor changes in the market to ensure that as consumption and pricing fluctuate, customers will never pay too much.

saive™ is currently offering the first year of membership for free. After the initial year, annual membership fee will be just $29.95 for retail customers.

This transparent pricing provides access to the platform for managing electricity and gas services across multiple properties, including your primary residence and other investment properties.

For most Australians, this means that maintaining membership will cost less than half a percent of their energy bill, while potentially saving around 24%.

Director of Consumer Experience, Hannah Wilson said that saive™ will revolutionise the way Australians engage with their energy providers.

"The current relationship is broken. Unless consumers are experts in the field, they often have no idea what presents as value. The whole process until this point has relied on the premise that the consumer either find it too difficult or can't be bothered shopping the market and potentially changing providers. The process is opaque, and the consumer does not know where the commission or rebate streams eventually land,” said Ms Wilson.

“saive™ is providing a trusted service for Australians who find it nearly impossible to manage their energy needs, let alone find the cheapest option. saive™ enables a member to manage up to four properties on their account.”

Before now, if consumers wanted to find a cheaper deal, the only real option has been to use a comparison site.

In fact, most people don’t realise the three largest commercial comparison sites are owned by the same group. Consumers have little understanding that they are paid by the energy retailers to market a small and select range of offers to consumers.

This ‘free' market comparison service is costing Aussies far more than they would imagine.

"Then there is the energy loyalty tax issue where the longer the consumer stays with their provider the more they will be paying. The best energy deals are offered to consumers where willing to shop the market," Ms Wilson said.
“saive™is different. It uses AI technology that drives value directly back to the customer meaning they can avoid the hidden costs of comparison sites altogether.”

Uniquely, saive™ offers its customers a lowest price guarantee. Typical saving examples realised to date include:

• A homeowner in Melbourne's inner east saved $3,600 on electricity and $2,400 on gas. They have a busy house with many children and their partners living with them.
• A homeowner in Sydney northern beaches with solar and battery infrastructure, realised a 23% or $3,800 saving on their electricity plan alone.
• A pensioner in Melbourne’s inner north saving a total of $1,200.
